
Supporting the Habitat Mission

Your tax-deductible donation will make a lasting investment in our community by helping Habitat for Humanity – LaSalle, Bureau & Putnam Counties build affordable homes for low-income families.

Donations can be made in a number of ways.

Donate to ReStore

Donations made toward our Habitat ReStore will provide continuing revenue to continue and increase our Habitat footprint in the community. Your donations will allow us to reinvest in the community for generations to come.

Donate by credit card

Donate by Mail

If you wish to mail in your donations, please make your tax-deductible check payable to Habitat for Humanity of LaSalle, Bureau and Putnam Counties, and mail it to our mailing address:

Additional ways to give

Give a gift in honor of someone’s birthday, graduation, bar mitzvah, or any other occasion! We will send them a card noting the gift you made in honor of them. Give a gift in someone’s memory. We will notify the family or friends of your donation in their memory.

Please contact Habitat for Humanity- LaSalle, Bureau & Putnam Counties for more information.

Wondering what to do with your old printer, fax, and copier cartridges?

Donate them to Habitat for Humanity- LaSalle, Bureau & Putnam Counties! If possible, please put the empty cartridge in its original container. We will take cartridges and redeem them for cash. It is a great way to help us build more houses and be more environmentally conscious. 

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