The Peru build is nearing completion.

On Saturday, May 4th, a crew of volunteers helped the Bernier family at the Peru build paint the first coat for the whole interior of the house. Shown L to R are Dan Fitzgerald, Habitat Executive Director, Penny Decker, Illinois Valley Realty Association, Mark Inman, Ax Church, Lilliana Orlandi, Coldwell Banker Realty, Doug Narczewski, IV […]

GAF in Peru Supports Our Mission

GAF has made significant a donation to Habitat for Humanity LaSalle-Bureau-Putnam Counties, Inc. from their Community Matters Program.  GAF recently began operations in Peru.  Gary Ashley, Peru GAF Plant Manager stated, “We are very excited to start building relationships with local non-profits.  We are proud to work with Habitat for Humanity LBPC who plays a […]

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